RIPAM 7Genova (Italy) – September 20-22, 2017
Conference web
OrganizerDipartimento Architettura e Design DAD, Università degli Studi di Genova.
Organizer web
Co-organizer(s)CNR-ICVBC (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali di Firenze)
ThemeConservation and promotion of architectural and landscape heritage of the Mediterranean coastal sites
Sub-themesA) Conservation and promotion of architecture and landscapes of the coastal sites
– Ports infrastructures and architecture
– Industrial and Transport Architecture
– History and evolution of the coastal landscape
– The Waterfront
B) Knowledge and conservation strategy of Mediterranean architectural heritage
– Studies and analyses of the architectures: characterization, instruments
– Lost heritage: recovery through knowledge, reconstruction,….
– Reconversion of architectural heritage
– Specific features and styles of the Mediterranean architectural heritage
– Architectural projects: management shared with the population
ProceedingsThe proceedings of the conference have been published online, in the open access format.
D. Pittaluga, F. Fratini (edited by) “Conservation et mise en valeur du patrimoine architectural et paysagé des sites cotiers méditerranéens “, Franco Angeli, Milano
ISBN-13 9788891797339, date of first publication 2019-11-18
Link to proceedings
AbstractsD. Pittaluga, F. Fratini (edited by), “Conservation and promotion of architectural and landscape heritage of the Mediterranean coastal sites – Abstracts of RIPAM 2017 Conference, Genoa, September 20th – 22nd 2017”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017, ISBN 978-88-917-6048-7, pages 288
Link to abstracts
ProgramRipam 7 conference program
Call for papersRipam 7 call for papers
SponsorsScuola Politecnica di Genova, Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Genova, Fondazione Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Genova, Società Italiana per il Restauro dell’Architettura, Istituto di Storia della Cultura Materiale, Soprintendenza Archeologica Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città Metropolitana di Genova e le provincie di Imperia La Spezia e Savona, Comune di Genova, Centro Internazionale di Ricerca sull’Architettura del Mondo Islamico e del Mediterraneo, Fondazione Bruschettini per l’Arte Islamica e Asiatica, Union Méditerranéenne des Architectes, Imprese Edili magazine, Tecniche Nuove
Below: links to navigate conference sequence
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NextRipam 7.5, Constantine 2018

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